How to reset the BlackBerry smartphone to factory defaults

To reset a BlackBerry® smartphone to factory defaults, complete the following steps:

Warning: Back up the data from the BlackBerry smartphone to a computer. For assistance with backing up data on the BlackBerry smartphone, see KB12487.

On a 32-bit Windows® XP to Windows 7 operating system (OS), complete the following steps:

Connect the smartphone to the computer.
On the computer, click Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt. (Note: For Windows Vista® and Windows® 7, right-click and run as Administrator.)
Type cd C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\Apploader and press ENTER.
Type loader.exe /resettofactory and press ENTER.

On a 64-bit Windows XP or Windows 7 OS, complete the following steps:

Connect the smartphone to the computer.
On the computer, click Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt. (Note: For Windows Vista and Windows 7, right-click and run as Administrator.)
Type cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Research In Motion\Apploader and press ENTER.
Type loader.exe /resettofactory and press ENTER.

Note: BlackBerry® Desktop Software 4.7 to 6.0 must be installed on the computer. The BlackBerry smartphone must be running BlackBerry® Device Software 4.3 to 6.0.

On a Mac computer, complete the following steps:

Close the BlackBerry Desktop Software if it is open on the Mac computer.
Open Terminal.
Type cd /Applications/BlackBerry\ Desktop\ and press Enter.
Type ./bbdm resettofactory
Note: In the Mac OS X environment, if the BlackBerry smartphone has a password set, you must specify that password within the command. For example: ./bbdm -password 12345 resettofactory (where 12345 is the BlackBerry smartphone password).

For BlackBerry Enterprise Server 4.1
Open BlackBerry Manager.
Select BlackBerry Domain.
Click Edit Properties.
Select IT Policy.
Double-click IT Policies.
Select the appropriate IT policy or create a new one and click Properties.
Select Security.
Set the Reset to Factory Defaults on Wipe drop-down list to True.
Click OK to apply changes and exit.
Assign the IT policy to a BlackBerry smartphone user.
Right-click on the BlackBerry smartphone user and select Erase Data and Disable Handheld.
For BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0

Log into the BlackBerry Administration Service with an account that can create or edit IT policies (for example, Enterprise Administrator or Security Administrator roles).
Under BlackBerry solution management, expand Policy, and click Create an IT policy (assign a name, click Save, then click the new IT policy name) or Manage IT policies, and select an IT policy to alter.
Click Edit IT policy.
Click the Security tab.
Set the Reset to Factory Defaults on Wipe drop-down list to True.
Click Save all.
Assign the IT policy to a BlackBerry smartphone user.
Select the PIN number of the BlackBerry smartphone user from Manage users and choose Delete all device data and disabled device.

BlackBerry® Enterprise Server 4.1 to 5.0 SP2
BlackBerry® Device Software 4.3 to 6.0
BlackBerry® Desktop Software
Mac OS

Additional Information
There are two ways to return a BlackBerry smartphone to a factory state. The two methods are outlined below, along with the differences between them.

Wipe Handheld - The Wipe Handheld option is performed directly from the BlackBerry smartphone (see KB02318). This option removes all user stored data (application data) from the smartphone (email, address book, calendar, etc.), and also provides the options to delete user installed applications and erase the data from the media card.
Reset to Factory Defaults - This option is the method described in this article. Along with removing application data from the smartphone, this option also removes any IT policies applied on the smartphone. This method does NOT remove third-party applications from the smartphone.


Unknown said…
If you want to Hard reset Or factory default your BB phone you can Visit Which helped me to solve my this problem when I needed some suggestions. here I also found that How I can reset my BB id also if I want to do so. Hope it would help you also. So you should try this.